Is There a Place in My Tarot/Oracle Practice for “Fluffy” Decks?

Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of criticism in regards to “fluffy” decks. A fluffy deck is one that is saccharine and overly positive. It offers no guidance when it comes to the tougher situations in life, because it seems to completely ignore these situations in general.

I’ve heard from a great deal of people that Doreen Virtue’s decks tend to lean towards the fluffy side. Continue reading

Cropping Tarot Cards and My Reaction to Tarot Cropping Opponents

Recently, I’ve decided to go borderless and cut the borders off of some of my tarot and oracle decks. This can be done a few ways:

  1. Using a paper cutter and a corner rounder punch
  2. Using an exacto-knife and a ruler, as well as a corner rounder
  3. Using scissors and a corner rounder

I tried both one and two, and found that the paper cutter method worked best for me. It’s faster, and I found that using the exacto-knife and ruler method hurt my hand. Whatever method you choose to use, however, it is important to remember that it is highly unlikely that the edges of your cards will come out perfectly even. So, perfectionists, I would suggest that you deeply consider if you truly want to crop your cards.

Alright, now that we’ve discussed how to crop your cards, let’s talk aobut why!


The first deck I cropped was my Art Through the Eyes of the Soul oracle deck. While I thought that the borders were pretty, they had gilded edges and that, combined with the almost comical size of the cards, made shuffling these cards almost comparable to shuffling razor blades. So, I decided to cut the borders off. Not only did removing the borders make the cards a thousand times more easy to handle, but they also opened up the image on the cards. I had not realized how absolutely distracting the borders were until I removed them. This is especially true for my Wildwood deck.


Cropping my Wildwood deck is quite possibly one of the best decisions I have ever made in regards to my tarot journey. There are details in these cards that I’ve never even noticed, because I was so distracted by the borders. The cards seem much more open now. Free. It’s especially important to me to get the full impact of the image of a card, because that is what I use to interpret the card. While some people can look at the 3 of Swords, for example, and immediately recall the traditional meaning of the card, because they have studied traditional card meanings, I don’t read cards that way. I apply my own meanings to cards based on what the images tell me. So, to remove the borders from this deck has made all the difference.


This is my newest deck, the Druid Animal Oracle. These cards were weird, because they had a double border. A white one, and this beautiful border with leaves and the like as well as some knot work. I hated the white borders, and felt like they took away from the cards, so I removed them as well. I’m quite fond of the other border though, and decided to keep it, because I don’t feel that it takes away from the cards. Instead, I feel that they blend into the card, as opposed to the stark and striking white borders.

At the end of the day, why you choose to crop your cards is completely up to you. However, that doesn’t mean that people aren’t going to tell you what they think about it. While I was contemplating the idea of cropping my cards, I decided to watch some YouTube tutorials on it. For some reason, I was under the impression that the task would be much more complicated than it actually is. While I was watching these turotials, I found some comments that I found…well, I’ll share them with you and you can draw your own opinions about them.




Personally, I was a bit shocked at these comments. People are moved so quickly to rage over such trivial things. Look, I get it. Tarot decks are a deeply spiritual tool, steeped with meaning. But just because you go to Barnes and Noble and pick up a deck does not mean that it is profoundly meaningful. It was mass produced by a company that more than likely views tarot cards as nothing more than a cheap game you bust out at parties to impress your friends with. YOU imbue your cards with deep spiritual meaning. Whatever magic those cards posses comes from YOU. And if you don’t like the borders on your cards, then cut them off. I think it’s absolutely foolish that someone would go so far as to say that people who crop their cards deserve to burn in Hell. If there is a Hell, I’m sure there are people a lot more deserving of residence there than those who choose to do whatever they want with something that a) they dropped $25 on or b) they are exclusively going to use.

I love my cropped decks. I feel closer to them. The one and a half/two hours it took me to crop each deck was wonderful bonding time. The images are free from their little white prisons and my interpretations of them feel 100 times stronger. So, if that makes me a “defacer” who “deserves to burn in Hell”, then that’s just fine by me.

Anyways, there’s my two cents on the subject of cropping cards. If you’ve been considering it, then I say go for it. The first card is always the scariest, but once you establish a rhythm, it’s easy, breezy, beautiful Covergirl.

Blessings to all of you. Enjoy the rest of your week. Consider if your rage is truly justified, and remember to always stay classy, San Diego.

Card Draw for September 18, 2014




The fox is known as a guide, for who knows the forest better than the fox? Trust that the path you are walking is the right one. You are on the right path, so keep on keeping on!
The fox is also intelligent and cunning. Using its quick wit, the fox is often able to outwit and outrun hunters. When the fox appears to us, it is time to start thinking about things strategically. Take time to observe your surroundings and those in it.  Learn to be adaptable and get acquainted with your cunning side. Be wary of becoming too cunning though. Do not use your cunning to deceive or trick others. Just because you can does not mean that you should. Sit down and ask yourself, “Am I living my life honestly?”

Card Draw for September 17, 2014




As Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm put it, the swan represents the “qualities of the soul”–love, beauty, grace, and depth. How can you manifest these qualities in your life? Do something for yourself that makes you feel beautiful. Put on your favorite outfit, just because you can! Put on your favorite music and dance your most graceful dance. Go out into nature and write some poetry. After all, the bards made their ceremonial cloaks–the tugen–out of the skin and feathers of swans. Whatever it is that you choose to do, when you realize that you possess these traits, a whole world of impowerment opens up to you! Don’t be afraid to spread your wings and flaunt your feathers.

Card Draw for September 16, 2014




When Cow appears, you may want to step back and take a look at how you give to the world. This may mean the physical giving of material items, or this may refer to the giving of love or compassion. Regardless of what way this giving manifests itself in your life, it is important to ask yourself how you give.  Do you give freely to the world, or do you hold back for fear of losing everything? When you remember that you are one with all things, giving openly and from the heart becomes easy and second nature. However, when you forget that connection, a sense of fear may take over you, and giving will seem hard.
Asides from our connection with all of creation, you must also remember that you are only capable of giving from the heart if you are receptive to receiving. Is it easy for you to accept from others? Or is this an area in your life that you struggle with. Sit with yourself and ask yourself this question. Get to the root of it.

What Divination Means to Me


Sometimes I get asked by people, “What does divination mean to you?” It’s a good question, and it’s prompted many long sit-downs with myself as I tried to figure out the answer to that question myself.

Divination is very important to me. I look at it as a very powerful spiritual tool, and it is the most prominent part of my practice. It has helped me overcome great struggles, and it has been a catalyst for spiritual growth. In a way, it has shaped my life a great deal.

If you were to take my divination tools away from me, it’d be like cleaving off my arm. Divination work feels like an inherent part of me. When I sit down at my reading space and lay down cards or cast runes, I feel like a part of me is returning home after a long sojourn.


I may not be the best reader out there, but that’s never mattered to me. I’ve never wanted to be good for other people, I want to be good for myself, and every time I sit down and prepare to do divination work, I learn more and more. I’m always learning, just as I’m always changing–ever evolving.

So, what does divination mean to me? Well, what does art mean to the artist?What does singing mean to the singer? What does writing mean to the writer?



Card Draw for September 6, 2014




You are protected at this time in your liife. Whatever new endeavors you embark on, know that you will be okay. Now is the perfect time to turn within and begin a process of healing. However, it is very important to remember that while this card signifies protection, the appearance of this card does not dissolve any threat of actual violence. If you are at risk of being hurt, please seek help.
This card may also signifiy a desire within yourself to protect others. Keep in mind that while you may have good intentions, and your only wish may be to protect that person, your advice or counsel may fall on deaf ears. Do not take this to be an insult. Sometimes people just need to be able to figure out life on their own. It may not feel good to watch a loved one fail, but often times it is necessary for them to do so. Their failure may be the only way they can learn. While you could not protect them from their failure, be with them in the aftermath. Nurture them, let them know you are there for them, and protect them in their vulnerable state.

Card Draw for September 5, 2014




Now is the time to take action and do the things you want to do. Thor is a powerful god, and we too must be powerful in going after what we want. There is no room in life right now for inaction and we must do away with any sense of passivness. Life does not happen to us, we happen to life. Remember, you are the architect of your own life. Pick up any projects you’ve set down. Don’t talk about your goals and dreams; go out and achieve them. 
Now is an especially good time for action, as the moon is in Capricorn right now, and this is a time of responsibility and hard work. So long as you are dedicated to the fulfilment of your goals, you are sure to succeed.

However, remember that Thor is also very hot-tempered, and this has gotten him into some sticky situations. Take this into account and be sure to be powerful, but not hot-headed and overly aggressive.

Card Draw for September 2, 2014




It is important to express yourself. Humans are creative beings, and this creativity needs to be actualized. There are many ways to express yourself. Sing your favorite songs. Draw something. Dance until you are breathless. Do not let thoughts such as “I am not a good artist” or “I can’t dance” stop you from letting the creative facet of your multi-faceted self shine. Everyone is good at something. Perhaps you enjoy writing, or making jewelery. Whatever it is, carve out a little time each day to do something creative.

Card Draw for August 30, 2014




Often times when we hear the word temptation, we think of something that is bad for us. But what if temptation is knocking at your door for different reasons? Maybe you are being tempted to follow a certain course of action because it will take you down a path of spiritual fulfilment. Temptation need not always be a bad thing. What is bad, however, is diving head first into temptation without first asking yourself what will happen if you follow these dersires. A little selfishness is good, but is indulging in your desires right now in your best interest? These questions are worth asking yourself.