Card Draw for September 18, 2014




The fox is known as a guide, for who knows the forest better than the fox? Trust that the path you are walking is the right one. You are on the right path, so keep on keeping on!
The fox is also intelligent and cunning. Using its quick wit, the fox is often able to outwit and outrun hunters. When the fox appears to us, it is time to start thinking about things strategically. Take time to observe your surroundings and those in it.  Learn to be adaptable and get acquainted with your cunning side. Be wary of becoming too cunning though. Do not use your cunning to deceive or trick others. Just because you can does not mean that you should. Sit down and ask yourself, “Am I living my life honestly?”

Card Draw for September 17, 2014




As Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm put it, the swan represents the “qualities of the soul”–love, beauty, grace, and depth. How can you manifest these qualities in your life? Do something for yourself that makes you feel beautiful. Put on your favorite outfit, just because you can! Put on your favorite music and dance your most graceful dance. Go out into nature and write some poetry. After all, the bards made their ceremonial cloaks–the tugen–out of the skin and feathers of swans. Whatever it is that you choose to do, when you realize that you possess these traits, a whole world of impowerment opens up to you! Don’t be afraid to spread your wings and flaunt your feathers.

Card Draw for September 16, 2014




When Cow appears, you may want to step back and take a look at how you give to the world. This may mean the physical giving of material items, or this may refer to the giving of love or compassion. Regardless of what way this giving manifests itself in your life, it is important to ask yourself how you give.  Do you give freely to the world, or do you hold back for fear of losing everything? When you remember that you are one with all things, giving openly and from the heart becomes easy and second nature. However, when you forget that connection, a sense of fear may take over you, and giving will seem hard.
Asides from our connection with all of creation, you must also remember that you are only capable of giving from the heart if you are receptive to receiving. Is it easy for you to accept from others? Or is this an area in your life that you struggle with. Sit with yourself and ask yourself this question. Get to the root of it.